Saturday, March 14, 2009

Peoria Pastors Stand Against HB2354

A subcommittee of the Illinois General Assembly, by a vote of 5 to 2 has recommended Illinois House Bill 2354 to the floor for discussion and vote. Also known as the Reproductive Health Access Act, or the Illinois version of the Freedom Of Choice Act (FOCA) extends the following types of abortion rights:

The Law would make sure that noone could:

(1) deny or interfere with an individual's right to use or refuse contraception;

(2) deny or interfere with a pregnant woman's right to bear a child;

(3) deny or interfere with a pregnant woman's right to terminate a pregnancy:
  • (i) prior to the viability of the fetus or
  • (ii) when the termination of pregnancy is necessary to protect the life or health of the pregnant woman; or
(4) require any woman to terminate pregnancy without her consent

In essence HB2354 allows a woman to receive an abortion on demand without any incumberances. This is especially problematic for any number of reasons and is a direct asault on the efforts of Pro-life advocates. The Peoria Association Of Pastors has identified some of the problems with this Bill. They are outlined as follows:

(1) The bill is a radical departure from current law

(2) The Bill seeks to make abortion a fundamental right, (ie: a human right)

(3) The Bill prevents any common-sense regulation such as parental notification;

(4) The Bill expands public funding of abortion through Medicaid and possibly state health insurance plans;

(5) The Bill undermines the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act protecting health care professionals and employers;

(6) The bill mandates comprehensive sex education for all public school children

The Black community has been the victim of abortion in disproportionate numbers. In my article, "Yes We Can ~Eliminate Abortion, Can't We?" I outline that out of the estimated 50 Million babies that have been killed since Roe v. Wade in 1973 an estimated 13 million children were from the black community. The facts are that there are an estimated 1,450 abortions per day that occur amongst persons of color.
Further, while getting rich off the backs of the poor with governmental assistance, the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood in particular, has perpetuated the myth that abortion on demand is essential in cases or rape or incest. The facts are that abortions resulting from rape or incest only account for 1.5% of all abortions annually. This is dramatically under the rate at which children are killed annually through abortion and "medically necessary" clauses which are only smokescreens.
Therefore it is the encouragement of the Peoria Pastors Assn. that every citizen contact the nearest State Representative to express their concern and disaproval of HB2354 as we do not wish this bill to become law further adding to the genocide of our Illinois communities. To look up your State Representative's contact information please go to the Illinois State Board Of Elections.To sign the petetion against HB2354 please go Students For Life Of Illinois and add you name.

Pastor Harvey Burnett
Exec. Director

Monday, March 2, 2009

Rescheduled Community Call To Action

The Peoria Pastor's Community Call To Action has been rescheduled to Thursday March 5th at 6:30 PM at the Dream Center located at 714 Hamilton Blvd. We will meet on the second floor in the Hamilton Conference room. Special thanks to Pastor John King and the Riverside Community Church Family.
In this vital meeting the Pastors hope to gain consensus on a far reaching community intervention plan. This plan called Peoria Safe Kids & Safe Families 2009 will be designed to create and focus on neighborhood initiatives and person to person contact with community members in order to help change lives.
Although this meeting is open to the public and interested persons, Pastors or their representatives are highly encouraged to attend and be present as this initiative will require the support of many churches a far reaching audience.
Questions About This Initiative:
Q~ My church and I are located in far North Peoria. How Can I be of impact in this effort?
A~ Although activities will be focused on statistically and speculated higher than average crime areas within inner City Peoria, this effort is inclusive of ALL of Peoria and ALL Peorians. Simply put, what happens in one area of town affects all Peorians. Each church and individual can be involved in developing a far reaching community plan as well as supporting interventions which they may be best suited to their membership makeup and ability to support. All "hands" will be appreciated and afforded opportunity to work, comment and provide input in this venture.
Q~ I want to maintain my religious identity. Will that be threatened?
A~ The efforts of the Peoria Assn. Of Pastors seek to be as doctrine neutral as possible. There is no ascription to certain doctrinal beliefs or religious affiliations for participation. The truth of the matter is that we realize that although we are a Christian organization participants that help this community may be from all corner and facets of the community. After all the community belongs to ALL of us. The mode, method and means for our outreach will be and most certainly is biblical from a Christian perspective, however anyone wishing to help need not be threatened by religious affiliation.
Q~ We have many prayer groups that already exist. Is this another one?
A~ The Peoria Safe Kids & Safe Families 2009 project is not a prayer fellowship such as we see with the Peoria Transformation Celebration, Peoria Prayer Furnace, PUSH Initiatives or the Peoria 40 Days Of Prayer. This initiative is a proactive action designed to physically and materially engage the culture with the Love of Christ. Of course "men should always pray and not faint" but the purpose of this gathering is to prayerfully place legs and actions of faith behind those prayers that have been prayed and continue to be prayed.
For additional information questions or comments regarding this or any other effort of the Peoria Assn. of Pastors, please don't hesitate to email Pastor Burnett at or call (309)688-6599. remember that each one is vital to the health, success, and safety of the Peoria Illinois community.